When you go to the airport, you often have to take the skytran/shuttle to the terminal from which the plane is departing. So, sometimes before you can embark on a journey to the next phase of existence or being, you must successfully transition your status- emotionally, psychologically, physically, spiritually.
We are no longer in a dense 3rd dimensional reality- we're in 4th/5th dimensional reality. Many people need assistance in this transition, as they are rooted in their ways and theories, and are having difficulty shifting their frequencies and personal energy.
It is wise to elevate your light- your energy in order to fully live in these new and exciting times.
This EP is to assist you in the shift of your light.. (all but a couple of the songs are produced by me). it is an accompaniment to your transition. This is why it is called "Transit to Illumination". Everything, even change is often best when it is gradual, although it doesnt have to be- theres a difference between change and transformation. Transformation is instantaneous; change occurs over a period of time.
Either way, a shift in vibration takes place. Your shift will occur whether you like it or not...you have a choice to submit or resist; either way, newness is inevitable.
Prayerfully these songs, will assist you in your shift, and hold you over until the release of my sophomore album, The Mastery. Before one can assume master status, one must first complete the shift into a mindset or life of elevation.
Here's a joint I wanted to share with you from Transit to illumination. Its a "gem". ;) (Technically, the first song I leaked was actually "48 Bars of Progression" but you know.)
"WAKING UP" (The Diamond Mantra) produced by Tiye Phoenix