as so eloquently stated by TelisaD: "I Care but I Don't Give a F!!!"
As an empathic, sympathetic, highly intuitive person, caring for me has never been difficult. I mean, I'm a woman, w/ a Cancer sun, a Pisces moon,a Cancer in Venus, and Jupiter in Scorpio (that's a lotta water!!)so the ability to feel for me is second nature. Feelings actually denote that you're still living..you actually have a pulse.
If you still have care running through the fabric of your being, applaud yourself.
Actually, in modern society, everything from genetically altered foods to overexposure to violence media images can leave you heartless, desensitized, and maddened (in the most psychotic sense). That's right, foods affect your emotions...how do you think military men are driven to kill and feel no sense of remorse for the act? Chemically altered foods.
Further, emotions are key because they are the gateway to the soul's evolution..how will your soul know itself if its not learning about itself through what the body experiences via feelings?
So you don't wanna be one of those as Mobb Deep says, "real n***az who aint got no feelings".. Trust and believe - you will need to be highly perceptive and aware (and sensitive within reason) in order to reasonably adjust in these rapidly shifting times...
What do I mean by "don't give a f***"? Well, while you are a caring individual who shows concern for the well-being of loved ones and the state of the world around you, its best to not become overly consumed with care and concern for the trivialities and minutia of life, that bear no overall importance in neither the larger picture of life, nor your immediate purpose.
Whose Facebook relationship status changed to "it's complicated"?
What's poppin on "Basketball Wives"?
Who's following who on Twitter? WHO GIVES A F*** .
Who are YOU sleeping with? WHO GIVES A F***
In a world where we're constantly inundated w/ insignificant information that's deliberately placed in our midst as distractions, its easy to be caught up in things that don't really matter.
Yeah, distractions-- Distractions that interfere with you seeing what's really going on in the world around you...distractions deliberately placed to keep your mindstate primitive and your vibrational frequencies low...
why? so that u can be easily controlled...but I digress..
Everyone is here for a specific purpose- your time is valuable. Don't care about things that wont play a role in the fruition of your purpose. In short, don't care about things that don't matter...
And guess what- if you happen to find yourself caring about stuff that doesn't matter, you've got approximately 3 minutes to shift your vibration and re-focus. Otherwise, the energy that you invest in the irrelevant can cause your vibration to slow down which can even lead to illness when you remain stuck..
So keep caring, but dont give a F&&& about that nonsense.. shout to TelisaD for this amazing philosophical view!!